Dr. Jana MacKay, PsyD
Licensed Psychologist
Dr. Jana MacKay is a Licensed Psychologist; her practice primarily includes working with families to formulate diagnoses and outline intervention and treatment plans for children and parents. Dr. MacKay specializes in working with non-traditional families including adoptive families, foster families, blended families, and families with same-sex parents. She specializes in providing Psychological Testing and Therapy, including differential diagnoses with consideration of attachment patterns, and will design a therapeutic approach that meets the specific needs of the client or family system, based on their unique circumstances and challenges.
Dr. MacKay is also a TBRI® Educator, equipping her to help families and caseworkers design and implement customized intervention strategies for children emerging from traumatized and stressful beginnings. Dr. MacKay is a Christian, widowed in 2024, serves faithfully in her church, and has experience as a stepmother, biological mother, foster mother, and adoptive mother, with personal and professional passion and experience informing her clinical work and client relationships.